英语 -凯发官网首页

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5个月前 (12-23)1
就是互联网技术,对英语要求很高的。 互联网技术定义:互联网技术指在计算机技术的基础上开发建立的一种信息技术(直译:information technology;简称:it),直译:internet technology;简称:it。...
6个月前 (12-08)2
6个月前 (11-27)1
sometimes we break through by cutting a hole into our resistance with our willpower, and sometimes we melt the ice with...
6个月前 (11-22)1
if i were entrepreneurs, i will understand: the recruitment and selection is not only a human resources management relat...
6个月前 (11-21)1
musk is a great manufacturer who has always been devoted to the development of cutting edge science. when he was young h...
6个月前 (11-21)1
this is a farm. the farm is next to the bus station. the farm is very big. there are hens cocks horses cows invthe farm....
6个月前 (11-20)2
the umbrella is invented in china. allegedly, early in the spring and autumn carrying in ancient china famous craftsman...
6个月前 (11-20)1
here are four keys to tell us how to become a better reader: listen first, speak first, read first and write first. we c...
7个月前 (11-02)1
8个月前 (10-09)1
人生试题一共有四道题目:学业事业婚姻家庭。平均分高才能及格,切莫花太多的时间和精力在任一题目上。 2. 幸福不是被致命的错误所扼杀,而是被不断重复出现的小错一点点分解掉的。 3. 人生的路很漫长,无论怎么选择,我们都要走向成熟的,都是朝着终...